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To learn more about our PledgeMe campaign or to join us in our journey, please visit the campaign website from the below link.

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To learn more about our PledgeMe campaign or to join us in our journey, please visit the campaign website from the below link.

Company Background
Little Yellow Bird makes clothes – beautiful, ethically made clothing and corporate workwear. Our ambition is to be New Zealand’s most loved brand and go-to company for ethically made apparel. We’re raising capital to help us scale even further: to increase our market reach, grow our sales and leadership team, and expand into new markets. 
The Little Yellow Bird difference
Our point of difference is our absolute commitment to ethical manufacturing. We track every single item of clothing from source to sale, and we ensure we have transparency across the entire supply chain for our products. Little Yellow Bird specialises in 100% organic rain-fed cotton products: t-shirts, hoodies, hospitality aprons, business shirts, dresses, bags and tea-towels. We sell white label products to ethical fashion labels around New Zealand and internationally. We also create bespoke cotton products for all kinds of clients – we’ve done projects from socks to tablecloths to school uniforms. Basically, if it’s made from cotton, we can help. 
We have achieved so many things together with our customers last year. We provide tailored impact reports with every order, showing the difference each conscious purchase makes so customers can start telling their own sustainability story. Last year, with all of our customer orders combined, was our biggest yet. 

To learn more about our PledgeMe campaign or to join us in our journey, please visit the campaign website from the below link.