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Eye Clinic Results in Distribution of 315 Glasses and 65 Eye Operations

Every time we purchase something we make a decision about the type of world we want to live in. When you buy Little Yellow Bird, you are buying a whole lot more than just a comfortable organic essential.


We are so proud to work with and support amazing organisations that are changing the world. Last month one of the cooperatives we support conducted an eye clinic which resulted in the distribution of 315 pairs of glasses and 65 eye operations for farmers in this area.



Eye clinic in Odisha, India 


We support small-scale farmers that run organic farms. The majority of cotton globally is produced using huge amounts of pesticides and insecticides. Our farmers do things differently relying on traditional farming techniques such as crop rotation and planting beans between cotton plants to ward off pests. This means no nasty chemicals are used in the production of our cotton. 



Kuman and families farm - Odisha, India


Vision impairment is a huge issue in rural communities and can limit educational and employment opportunities. As a highly preventable and curable condition, we are pleased to support the ongoing work happening in this community. 


To help support ongoing projects like eye clinics, microloans, educational scholarships and training opportunities consider purchasing your next uniform from Little Yellow Bird or check out some of our current initiatives.

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